
How a premium plugin cost me €50K

I will be speaking about how important contracts are when working in an Open Source environment.

WooCommerce at scale – Hur många produkter tål WordPress?

Världens största e-handelsplattform WooCommerce driver mer än en tredjedel av Sveriges e-shops. Men är den även lämpad för att driva de största e-butiker? Vad händer när man lägga in hundratusentals produkter, hur hantera man en meta-tabell med 10 millioner rader, när börjar transients dra ner hastigheten och vad finns det för verktyg som kan hjälpa? Föredraget återuppleva en WooCommerce-resa från 5000 till 500000 produkter, med alla bra och dåliga beslut och en hel del praktiska tips och lösningar.

An embedded checkout in your WooCommerce store, is that really what you want?

In Sweden, Norway and Finland embedded checkouts like Klarna Checkout, DIBS Easy and Collector Checkout have become very popular. These iframe based checkouts replaces large parts of the default WooCommerce checkout, making it easy for customers to identify themselves and select the desired payment method.

At the same time, custom checkout functionality can be a bit tricky to implement together with an embedded checkout solution.

In this presentation we will have a closer look at the differences between a payment method displayed in the regular WooCommerce checkout and an embedded checkout solution. Is it always okay to implement an embedded checkout or are there situations where a traditional payment method is a better fit for your store.

The Perfect Leadstorm

In 2017, Savvii has grown significantly in visitor numbers and leads, while maintaining acceptable bounce and conversion rates. Under the name ‘The Perfect Leadstorm’ we have executed a number of projects to streamline sales & marketing and to work together as 1 lead machine. What were these projects, what is the benefit for customers have and what can you apply directly?

Hur kommer Gutenberg att forma WordPress framöver? – Paneldebatt

Gutenberg innebär den största förändringen i gränssnitt inom WordPress sedan det skapades. Med Gutenberg kommer många möjligheter men även en del risker. I denna paneldebatt kommer vi diskutera för och nackdelarna med Gutenberg, samt hur man ska tänka inför, under och efter övergången.

Composer-baserad WordPressutveckling

Nu lämnar vi FTP-leveranser och tar steget mot riktiga webbar med WordPress. Hur kan du komma igång med composer-baserad WordPress? Jag visar dig förutsättningarna och exempel på hur du kommer igång idag.

People buy brands – not products. DEAL WITH IT!

Creating a product might be hard and take a lot of time, but without proper marketing strategy and sales it will be even harder to look at it fall to the abyss of other great projects that nobody ever heard of.
Take marketing and sales of your brand seriously BEFORE you start creating it. Examples from,, Red Bull, GarageStore and others.

De sju riskerna – som stressar personal, ger missnöjda kunder och minskar lönsamhet i digitala byråprojekt

Vi har märkt att många byråer har utmaningar med spräckta tidsplaner och budgetar, har bristande leveranskvalitet, får missnöjda kunder eller stressad personal.

Jag kommer gå igenom 7 risker kopplat till detta och vad man konkret bör göra åt saken.

Gutenberg with PHP

A few tips and tricks on how to make a Gutenberg frontend that sends arguments to the PHP code that is creating the block itself

Stop depending on caching for performance

The speed of websites and online stores get more and more focus, and most developers fix performance problems by adding caching or several layers of caching. Caching can give the impression of being the “holy grail” for all performance problems.

In this talk, I will go thru the different caching mechanisms in WordPress, how each of them should be used, and last but not least why you should not use caching as a performance enhancement and what you should do in stead.

What WordPress developers can do about climate change

The Internet’s usage of dirty energy is a growing concern. The Internet’s data centres alone may already have the same CO₂ footprint as global air travel. For the first time, this year’s Internet Health Report by the Mozilla Foundation has explicitly stated that sustainability should be a bigger priority for the industry.

WordPress is the most widely used CMS on the Internet. As of April 2018, it powers 30.6% of the world’s top 10 million websites. This makes WordPress a concentrated target to promote the greening of the Internet.

In this talk, Jack will discuss the ideas, principles and emerging best practices of sustainable web design, and how they can be applied to WordPress websites.

Hitchhiker’s Guide to WP CLI

WordPress CLI (command-line interface) is a powerful tool in WordPress developer’s belt. This talk will cover all the basics – from installing it, through most common tasks (updates, plugin installs, etc.), all the way to spinning up staging environments on demand.

Recurring Revenue for Agencies

If you get paid by the hour, the only way to grow is to ask for a higher hourly rate or to work more hours. What if there is another way? Recurring revenue is the key. I’ll show you in my talk how recurring revenue can mean growth for both freelancers as agencies.

How to accelerate your WordPress performance in 2018

Trends, Opportunities, Best Practises, Tips & Tricks for High Performance Sites.

The rise of a WooCommerce agency

What to expect when your freelance endeavor turns in to a fully fledged agency, and hints on how to handle it based on our journey as AngryCreative.