After the WordCamp we’re arranging a contribution day. We’re calling it the WordCamp Norrköping 2014 Hackaton. It’s a competition where the best contributions get cool prizes from our sponsors!
The hackathon starts the 26th of April at 10 am and ends the 27th of April at 6 pm.
Jury criteria PDF
Jury scoring template
Each participating team should create something that corresponds to one of the categories, and the jury criteria. The judges will announce a 1st 2nd and 3rd prize among the attendants for the three best performances.
- Themes/ Plugin
- Idea development/ Translation/ Documentation.
- Solutions with a new and innovative idea
- Solutions with professional design
- Solutions with some neat functionality
- Solutions that are for a cause and tells a story
- Solutions that add great value to the community
- Solutions that fix stuff that are annoying
The jury evaluates each criterion on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is excellent. Each criterion is given equal weight.
Bonuspoint: 5 point For truly great contribution and benefit to the WordPress community.
Total Score: 65 points.
Each participating team will present their contributions to the jury and the audience present. The presentations begin at 15:00 on Sunday.
Presentations should be a maximum of 3 minutes in length + 3 minutes for questions from the jury and the audience. The teams choose for themselves how they want to present their contributions (eg, view source code, a ready solution, etc.). There are projectors with standard VGA input available (The team must arrange adapters by themselves If they are going to show material from a source without VGA. The
organizers can assist with a Mac adapter). NOTE: Teams provide their own computer, etc in order to show their presentation
The competing teams must email their presentation to
before the presentations start (Sunday at 15:00).
How do I team up?
Team up with some friends or find someone who shares your idea at the hack, and start contributing!
3 months free usage of Jumpstarter
1 year free usage of Jumpstarter
+ cool tech gadgets
Judges / Coaches
The judges / coaches for the event are;
Jimmy Rosén – Jimmy is owner of the web agency Angry Creative and the main organizer for WordCamp Norrköping.
Mario Peshev – WordPress core developer and Consultant, Plugin Developer and Code Reviewer